How to connect a motion sensor in the entrance?
How to connect the motion sensor in the entrance? On the one hand there are three wires (blue, white and yellow), and on the other blue, brown, red.
How to connect the motion sensor in the entrance? On the one hand there are three wires (blue, white and yellow), and on the other blue, brown, red.
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As I understand it, the blue, white and yellow wires come from the network (stick out from the wall)? If yes, then blue is zero, white is phase, yellow is grounding. It is better of course to ring these wires before connecting, so as not to be mistaken. Blue, brown and red are most likely the wires of the motion sensor itself. Blue is zero, brown and red is the phase going to break. So you just need to isolate the yellow ground wire. Connect blue and cyan (zeros) and connect to the lamp, to terminal N (zero). Connect the white wire to the brown wire, and connect the red wire to the lamp, to terminal L (phase),
Connection diagram of the motion sensor to the 220 V network: