How to connect 2 two-gang switch through passage to 2 cross?
Colleagues, the customer has set the task, it means this: you need to shove two two-gang walk-through switches and two one-gang rocker switches into two bulbs into the circuit, is this even possible? Switches "Legrand Ethics". I will be grateful for the scheme
As I understand it, the customer simply wants to control two lamps from two separate single-key switches. See diagram 1 - on it are two two-gang passage switches for controlling two separate lamps. In the middle is a two-key cross-over switch. Most likely, the customer had in mind to install instead of one two-key cross-over switch two single-key cross-over switches for controlling each of the lamps.
For example, a single-key cross-over switch in Figure 2 in the middle.
Scheme 1:
Scheme 2: