How to determine that a neighbor is connected to a meter?

Paul asks:
Recently, I began to pay very big money for an electrician. I have a suspicion that a neighbor is stealing "light." The correct meter connection diagram is terminal 1 - input of the phase wire, terminal 3 - input “0”, terminal 2 - phase output, terminal 4 - output “0”. Please tell me how my counter will work if a neighbor can connect the 4th terminal in his counter with the 4th terminal of my counter (“0” of his apartment with “0” of mine). Will my counter work faster?
The answer to the question:
Yes it will be. You still have a common zero, and it is often needed only for measuring voltage. And the neighbor will take the “outgoing” phase for himself. Accordingly, current will flow through it to both your and its devices. Disconnect the entire load and check if there is a self-propelled gun. If there is, either change the counter or the neighbor. It may also overstate. This can also be verified. Turn everything off for an hour, turn on the device with a known power and see how many "wound" kilowatts.

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