Access to automatic machines in electric boards of entrances (on the site)
Homeowners Association says that according to fire safety rules there should be free access to it. Is it so?
I found:
PTEEP 2.2.4.
“All switchgears (switchboards, assemblies, etc.) installed outside the electrical rooms must have locking devices that prevent non-electrical personnel from accessing them”;
and PUE 1.1.34
“Enclosing and closing devices should be designed so that they can only be removed or opened with keys or tools.”
Are these rule clauses suitable for my question?
There was a reverse question on our website, they say a man bought an apartment, his machine was knocked out and he couldn’t turn it on, he had to call an electrician, they didn’t give keys. The only right decision for you is to hang up the lock, coordinate this issue with the HOA and give them a copy of the keys and give them to your neighbors.