Help determine what kind of electrical appliance
Hello. Please tell me what is it? On the one hand, at the entrance there are 4 capacitors MBGCH-1 2mkf 500v each, the second (large) part of it is flooded with some kind of insulator like bitumen. With a small size, a rather heavy thing. What could it be??? There are no inscriptions and signs.
Hello! Yes, it’s hard enough to determine what it is. Is the white rectangle on the right a key? It reminds me very much of those that were installed on ferroresonant voltage stabilizers of the Soviet era, for example Amur sn-315 or Zhiguli SN-200. The lid, which stands in the background, resembles the stabilizer TSN-170 in dimensions, and even more so on the USN-350. But maybe I'm wrong, or is it some kind of homemade product.
To the right under the cardboard are four capacitors.
This is definitely not homemade. On the right are 4 capacitors mbh-1 2 uf 500v.
You would look at the stabilizer models that I proposed. This is a 99% probability that the voltage regulator, which particular model is not clear, but the top like that of the USN-350, yesterday rummaged through all such products and more similarity with this model, but not complete.
Yes, I looked at the models you proposed. There are similarities ... only mine has some wires inside that are not used and the main internal part is flooded with some kind of insulator.
Maybe it was being repaired by someone and the pouring was done for some purpose? Type of additional insulation ... And under the fill that can not be seen?
No, nothing is visible ... but wires go under this insulation. And this unit weighs about 10 kg. And in what other devices at the input can there be four capacitors of 500v at once. each ?
In any case, the use of one or another electronic component in most cases does not help to determine in which device it is used. Why are you so interested in this device? Currently, he is unlikely to be a useful application.
One person gave for the “bottle”, said that once in the Soviet years, this device was taken out of the military unit. So I thought, how many people will suddenly come in handy? Or suggest someone? !! But what is it, no one can really answer.
Stabilizer transformer 110-120 V and stabilizer 210-230V. So to speak 2 in one. And bitumen is poured because of its loud growl (like a tractor). So the owner decided to get rid of the noise, cheap and angry and safe. Bitumen does not conduct current. I came across this about 5 years ago. Found him use with little tweaks. And the wires are non-independent, most likely disconnected one of the windings 220 or 110 at the output, apparently 220
Thank you so much! !!