How to lay the cable under the road and what requirements you need to consider
How to lay the cable under the road. PUE requirements and other standards that must be considered when installing a cable line under the road.
How to lay the cable under the road. PUE requirements and other standards that must be considered when installing a cable line under the road.
The electrician said that there was a flashing of the wiring due to a short circuit. How often does the wiring melt due to short circuit and what reasons could cause its melting?
Technical characteristics of cable KRPT. Design features of the conductor and scope. Cross-sectional table of flexible cable KRPT.
Why, when we screw an LED lamp into an ordinary cartridge, it burns, but Ilyich does not burn? Lamps are serviceable, tested, but do not burn stubbornly.
I want to divide the room into 2 lighting zones, initially one, how to do it? 121 series of the house, the main room, a double light switch.
I want to cut off the light to the neighbors in the apartment. Tell me, what wire do I need to cut so that the neighbor of these villains does not suffer? Is it one or two wires?
For a long time, clicks are heard in the walls of a panel house. In addition to this, frequent flickering of light began. Please tell me, is this connected with the wiring?
Are cartridges for diameter 27 (Ilyich’s bulb) with spring contacts for connecting wires produced now? I can not find everywhere with screw.
I wanted to connect a screwdriver to a charger or power supply. Which of the options can be a way out of situations until the purchase of new batteries?
In the DVR, the adapter is 1 A, it broke. I bought 1.5 A in the store, the seller said that it would do. It takes 1 A, and I use 1.5 A, is it okay?
I decided to replace the LED lamps with halogens. Halogens do not burn. He also put LED, but more powerful. She flickered like a strobe. What is the reason?
When planning lighting, you need to design the cabling from the shield to the distribution box? Need to design the number of wires to each lamp?
How is wire resistance calculated by cross-section, diameter and length. Formulas and tables to calculate the resistance of a conductor.
What are eddy currents and what are the causes of their occurrence. Why are they also called Foucault currents. The use of eddy currents in everyday life and in production.
The washing machine has stopped working in the bathroom. In both outlets, the indicator shows two phases, the house is multi-storey. What is the reason and what to do?
When I turn on any electrical appliance with grounding in any outlet, then voltage appears throughout the apartment in the grounding wire, while the earth is beating current.
Is it possible to clamp two wires of the same cross section into the terminal of the machine? There is not enough space in the shield for installing an additional machine.
In the summer kitchen, electricity disappears and appears. What is the reason for this phenomenon, maybe somewhere closes the wires? How to find the place of damage?
Can I use grounding from the bathtub (old cast-iron bathtub connected to grounding) to the washing machine? Is it dangerous?
How to make a do-it-yourself surge protector. Simple assembly schemes of the surge protector at home. Video instruction for the manufacture of the device.
A neighbor from above complains that because of our punch, her sockets darkened and two bags were knocked out. Is this possible? Thank.
There is a selective RCD (ABB, 100mA, 63A), I want to put it on the input as fire, but it is four-pole. Can it be connected to a single-phase network?
Please tell me what rating you need to select a voltage relay in the shield for five machines with 16 amperes each. Thank.
Is it possible to conduct electrical wiring open on the ceiling and on lamps and sockets? Workers ran wires along a monolithic ceiling under a suspended ceiling.
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